The organization that had assumed a role in protecting, maintaining, and completing the CDT went under in January 2012. Soon after, another non-profit group sprang up like a thru-hiker at the smell of freshly baked anything. This organization is the Continental Divide Trail Coalition (CDTC) and they have taken over the role of advocate for the 3,100 miles of trail between Canada and Mexico. The CDTC is currently raising funds to get the new non-profit up and running as well as continue work on the 800 miles of trail that do not yet exist.
If you have any interest in hiking, backpacking, or other outdoor activities where you can escape to recharge your soul, I encourage you to donate something to help preserve this trail as a legacy to future generations of 'nerve-shaken, over-civilized people' who have yet to be born or discover that 'going to the mountains is going home' -John Muir . If you're not in a giving mood at the moment, than come back and donate when you are! Helping out an awesome organization like this will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, trust me, I know from experience. And if the warm fuzzies don't do it for you than take into consideration the goodie bag of CDT items you will receive for a donation of as little as $25! (How cool is that!) Now's your chance...
Alright, there it is and I won't mention it again. Happy trails, wherever they may lead!
"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."
-Edward Abbey
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