Chief Joseph Pass to Nez Perce Camp
~10 miles
Another day of sleeping in at Colin's place, coffee, then biking downtown for breakfast, this time at Catalyst. Another incredible meal! Missoula is definitely a cool little town, easy to get around by bike, and with large population of outdoorsy, active, and fit people. Definitely my kind of place and I hope to make it back out here during the ski season for some backcountry adventures, maybe even play a little G.N.A.R., who knows.
After that it was back to Colin's to pack up bags, take care of a few errands, and drive back to the pass to start hiking again. Perhaps the most important was a stop at Walmart to pick up some new earbuds so I can listen to audiobooks and music once again. I am greatly looking forward to "reading" some of the classics while hiking this summer.
We got back to the pass about 4:45, said our thank yous and goodbyes and once again headed out on the dusty trail. Colin, you're a legend. Keep shredding.
Ten miles down the trail after hiking primarily through forest, Sparrow and I arrived at our intended camp for the night, cooked up a little dinner, and are now retired to our respective tents for the evening. So far the weather or mosquitos have prevented me from feeling comfortable cowboy camping through a full night, and I look forward to the day when that becomes a reality. Until then I will continue to enjoy the serenity and protection of bug netting and sil-nylon walls.
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