Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5, 2013

Day 18 - Zero day in Helena
0 miles

Slept in even later today after a late night at the movies and eventually made it out the door to go to breakfast.  Sparrow and I went to a little place called the No Sweat Café that had AMAZING breakfast burritos.  Mmmm tasty.

Then it was on to a quick stop at the Base Camp outdoor store, the Post Office to mail my ice axe and Sparrow could pick up a package.  While at the PO we ran into State Machine, Train, and Huck, who were there picking up packages and mailing things off.  Apparently Bluefoot and Smiles stayed in Lincoln and may be bypassing Helena altogether. Hopefully we keep running into that group. 

After that trip, we headed to the grocery store so Sparrow could buy food and I could update my blog.  Then it was back to the house so Sparrow could repackage his food.  While back at the house the weather started to look threatening (rain) so we opted to stay one more night here in Helena, and it sounds like tomorrow we may get a ride back to the pass with John and Luanne's daughter Laura.  What a wonderful family!  Certainly some of the nicest people I have had the opportunity to meet.  Thank you for everything!

This town stop was definitely necessary for me to recharge both physically and mentally, and I am looking forward to getting back on the trail.  It's hard to believe I'm already over 300 miles into the trail (1/10th of the total distance).  If it keeps going like this I'll be in Mexico before I can believe it.  The next section is a mere 113 miles to Hwy 2 into Butte, so it should be a pretty quick four days.  The eleven days between East Glacier and Helena was a little long for me without a proper shower/laundry, and spending a fair amount of time hiking alone didn't exactly help either. 


  1. I'm all caught up on your blog- sounds like an amazing adventure so far! I am living vicariously through you, since neither hiking nor eating lots of food at once are possible for me these days ;)

    1. Glad I can entertain you a little bit, although I'm surprised you have time in your busy schedule to read my ramblings! It has been my pleasure to hike and eat copious amounts, and I shall continue to do so with you in mind. Hope everything in Michigan is going well, say hi to Jonathan and Noah for me!

  2. Alex, I have been itching to read your blog as I have seen your facebook updates and I am happy that I am caught up now. I spent my first hour of work this morning relishing in your exploits. I am excited to follow you from afar and to read of your adventures. Thank you for describing everything so well and for making me feel, for but a moment, that I am hiking with. Safe travels, and throw an extra "Hey Bear" for me every now and again because most of the bears up there are 30yd bears... they look best from 30yds or more. Cheers mate!

    1. Happy to hear that I have made you a more productive employee! Hopefully it provides a little mental escape from the office for you so you can refocus on your work. I'll be sure to throw out some "hey bear" for you and I agree that 30yd bears (or more) are my kind of bears. Now there is a double threat since I am in snake country as well! Best to keep the ears and eyes open, which is kind of the point of the hike I suppose!
